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Contemporary Dance thriving in Reigate

Contemporary Dance has seen an explosion of interest in Reigate, with more and more children interested in the creative elements this dance style offers. Reigate Dance Centre will now be offering 6 classes a week, and notices a real trend in children's interests to use their bodies to express themselves in this free stylistic dance.

And the reasons for the renewed interest?

Firstly, it appears that Contemporary seemed more favourable than street dance in the recent TV dance competitions, offering far more creative outlay and interpretation in choreography.

Secondly, it helps that this style can be choreographed to nearly any style of music, making it instantly appealing to children and teenagers alike, and again offers so many ways to use the body in interesting ways.

It can be taken by children who have had no previous dance experience, although it obviously helps to obtain the overall goal if you have some ballet experience - contemporary is one of the dominant styles used in GCSE Dance, as any movement is considered dependent on the music.

Although Contemporary Dance has elements of balletic influences, it doesn't have the constraints of ballet. Although we encourage all our pupils to continue with their ballet for strength, poise, artistic interpretation and the huge benefits it offers, many of our pupils add contemporary as one of their main alternative dance style, and having the two styles offers a great deal of creative flair with the platform of technique.

Reigate Dance Centre offers SIX Contemporary dance classes per week:

  • TUESDAY 6.05 - 6.50: STUDENT Contemporary (Academic Year 10 age and above)

St Marks Hall, Reigate

  • WEDNESDAY 5.30 - 6.00: JNR Contemporary (Academic Yr 3 and above)

Colman Redland Centre, Reigate

  • WEDNESDAY 5.30 - 6.10: SNR Contemporary (Academic year 7 and above)

St Marks Hall, Reigate

  • THURSDAY 5.25 - 6.05: SNR Contemporary (Academic year 7 and above)

St Johns Church Hall, Redhill

  • (NEW) THURSDAY tbc: STUDENT Contemporary (Academic Year 10 age & above)

St Johns Church Hall, Redhill

  • FRIDAY 4.55 - 5.25: JNR Contemporary (Academic Yr 3 and above)

St Marks Hall, Reigate

For more info, or to see our Contemporary Dance Video promo, click here

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