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Dance Schools in Reigate

Reigate Dance Centre is an established dance school with studios all around Reigate, so there are always dance classes in locations near to where you live. Our main locations in Reigate are:

  • Reigate Community Centre, High St. (behind Morrisons), Reigate

  • YMCA Sovereign Centre, Slipshatch Rd. Woodhatch, Reigate

  • St Marks Church Hall, Alma Rd. Reigate (near the train station)

  • Colman Redland Centre, Croydon Rd. Reigate

  • Fithub, High St. Reigate

We also teach dance and performing arts in many primary schools in the area. Our dance school provides an avenue for children and adults to pursue their hobby from an early age up to adult, and we have the breadth of established classes for children who want to specialize in dance and musical theatre. Please ring us for more details.

For details on classes please click on the relevant age range below:

Dance Classes in Redhill

Reigate Dance Centre has dance studios in Redhill also: 

  • Donyngs Sports Centre, Linkfield Lane, Redhill

  • St John's School, Pendleton Rd. Redhill

Dance Classes in Merstham

Reigate Dance Centre will be opening in Merstham also. For more details on classes and times, click here.​

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